How to prevent obesity and lose weight

Stop eating Sugar. She’s a nasty little demon, a sister of alcohol. Sugar charms her way into almost everything processed. She comes in a gazillion forms and hides behind weird names, but you can stop buying that sneaky Sugar. Take a long hard look at your connection to Sugar and seriously think of ending your…

Pacifica Gift Set – Presents!

I’m getting one of my hypoallergenic buddies a little gift set from Pacifica. She was looking for an orange scent, but wants to stay away from the chemicals. Tuscan Blood Orange – Take Me There set is my first Detox Witch gift purchase! Pacifica is a vegan fragrance line with an emphasis on using safe, natural…

Tricks and treats

Witches fingers and sticky rats! Tricks for little Halloween bats! It’s hard to break away from giving out candy on Halloween, I remember how exciting it was to get that sugar rush as a kid. I might even say I felt entitled (horrible) to that yearly junk food feast. However treats don’t always have to…